Saturday, January 26, 2013

radio silence

Efficiency posting is the new black.
Forget about witty or erudite. Discard the editorial calendar.
Go for the peak efficiency multi-post.
Read on, or, since it's mainly photos, gaze on.
1. Self Portrait Thursday in front of the history of women's studies at SFU
2. Sunshine along Hastings downtown
3. Start of the Robert Burns reading marathon at SFU
4. My portable studio
5. My latest digital doodle (try squinting or yoga to view)
I am a textual sloth.
I've had some issues with posterous posting from my phone (hence the shades of grey repetition this week) which cuts down on my mobile text wrangling while I commute. I'm spending over two hours a day on public transit, mostly standing up, and I haven't yet developed a good way of using the time productively. My new tablet's too big to haul out of my bag without embarrassment (though I'm usually flanked by ipad readers so why not?).
Once home, it's homework or reading; I don't want to sit in front of a screen for another minute; I'm knackered; I want to see my boys.
Not writing makes me twitch.
Not blogging peeves me.
Lack of sleep makes me a bitch to live with.
It's not all about me.

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